Max Swietnicki

Game Design Portfolio

Phone: (646)-215-1690

About Me

Hello there! I'm Max Swietnicki, a NYC-based game developer.I specialize in creating gameplay systems that allow players to build strategic mastery and express their creativity; however I have learned many secondary skills such as UI/UX design, Level design, Unity/C# game development, and creating organized design documentation. Looking forward to see where my next project will take me.


Released Projects

The Drifter Character Mod (Slay the Spire)

Role: Content and Systems Design, Developer (Mechanics, Vfx, Sfx)

Platform: Java, Slay the Spire Modding

Description: The Drifter is a mod for the indie rogue-like Slay the Spire, adding a new character based on popular anime Initial D, with their own suite of 75 attack, skill and power cards. This mod focuses on capturing the feeling of going fast - Euro-beat plays as you activate the “Drift” power, and custom visuals accentuate your speed.

In Progress

Role: Systems, Mechanics and Content Designer, Graphic Designer

Platform: Physical card game / Tabletop Simulator

Description: Empyre mixes traditional card based combat gameplay with a positional element. With a tit-for-tat action system, combat can quickly evolve into a tactical chess-like puzzle, where luck is minimized, and strategy, tactics, and correct utilization of your cards will allow you to prevail.

Role: Solo Designer, Developer

Platform: Unity / C#, Android,

Description: Doodle Defender is a solo developed title, for Android devices.

Doodle Defender has a focus on one core mechanic (switching colors to shoot like colored enemies), and was designed with a mobile control scheme in mind. Doodle Defender is designed to be simple and engaging, but also re-playable; with a pro mode progression system that allows players to test their skills.

Role: Programming, Systems Design, QA

Platform: Unity / C#, Desktop, Browser

Description: Fool’s Gold was made for Boss Rush Jam 2024. It is a puzzle game where you place items on a grid, activating their unique effects to maximize their value and sell them to underworld denizens.

I was one of the two main programmers and also the co-designer; I implemented and tested gameplay systems as well as working with the main designer to improve the experience and finish the game in a month.

Role: Systems, Mechanics and Content Designer, Graphic Designer

Platform: Physical card game / Tabletop Simulator

Description: The Agency is a medium-weight board game about collaboration and deception, blending social deduction with worker placement. Players play as cyberpunk agencies trying to gain the most prestige. With incentives to work together AND betray others, it’s hard to know who to trust.

Role: Systems Designer, Level Designer

Platform: Unity / C#, Desktop

Description: Working in a small team, we are in the pre-production stage of creating a mission-based co-op third person shooter with online multiplayer and rogue-like elements. Players explore an island, fending off waves of enemies as they attempt to complete an objective.

I am acting as a secondary designer, translating the overarching design into Level Design Specifications, Upgrade specifications, and more.

Phone: (646)-215-1690